Sep 30, 2010

6th blog entry - A little about DM ethics

So, there's this thing that every DM needs to know. Okay now, I know I said you need not follow what I tell you, but at least consider this thing I'm about to throw at you in this post.

I've heard countless times about Dungeon Masters who, for some reason, got angry at players, and simply killed them ingame. Well, to me, that's just stupid. Being a DM doesn't mean you're playing against the fellowship. In fact, a DM is a player as well, it's just that his role in the game is a bit different.

First of all, before starting a campaign, the DM should point out to his players that he is also playing the game for fun, just as they do. Then, players should be told not to question DM's decisions, even if they happen to go against the rules, because a DM wouldn't do stupid or irrational things for no reason.

Be friendly to your players, give them a good campaign with lots of opportunities and fun, try to make the game smooth, and if they happen to mess up big time, always give them a way out of the trouble they've put themselves in. Having your player's characters die is a bad thing, and intentionally killing them is even worse. Of course, I'm not saying you should defend them at all costs, if they really deserve to get killed, there's nothing you can do, but you should always make sure they know what dangers lie ahead.

Here's a little example:
Player wishes to try and jump from one cliff to another. The gap is pretty wide, and the height is frightening. The fall would surely kill him.
  • DM: The cliff you're trying to jump on is pretty far, the difficulty class is 25, your jump skill is 7, so, a roll of 12 or less instantly results in your death, while on the rolls of 13-17 you still got a chance to grab to the side of the cliff and maybe pull yourself up. Do you still wish to proceed ?
  • Player: I do.
  • DM: Do you understand that you got more than 50% chance to get your character killed if you try to jump to that cliff ?
  • Player: I do, and I still want to take my chances.
  • DM: Okay, I warned you. Roll the dice.
Now, on the rolls of 13-17, a good DM would find a way for that character to save his life, while a bad one would make sure the character falls and dies.

Thanks for reading and have fun playing! :)


  1. So, intentionally gibbing your players is a bad thing to do? XD oops....

  2. You know..... this game seems very freaking complex =.=, but anyway.... be awesome to be a DM in my perspective..... its like life and dwath in your hands!

  3. Another part and I'm still amazed! My friend is working on his own RPG system at this moment, maybe he could use your guides?

  4. sounds like this is going to turn out to be pretty in depth.

  5. This is AWESOME!!! Seriously. Best blog I've seen yet. So useful to me.

  6. Very useful information! Awesome post!

  7. Sounds pretty risky! But then again, what gamble isn't?

    Thanks for the informative post.

  8. The thing is, power corrupts... This is a great guide. I hate it when power goes to people's head!

    Love your background man

  9. Next you should discuss LARP ethics :D

  10. that was interesting... can't wait to see what you post tomorrow

  11. No fun without a little risking and gambling.. right? :D

  12. cool post main

  13. I like this blog. I'll check back tomorrow for a new update :)

  14. I sometimes wonder why it is necessary to say that, are there really people who are not following these rules?

  15. I used to play D&D... this brings back memories.

    I'm going to start following you.


  16. nice.. i dont play that but.. seems cool

  17. Dungeon Masters!! Nice blog you have here bro,
    supporting and following~

  18. can't wait to move so i can be in a city where there is more d&d players...right now I'm in the middle of nowhere and i've become such a recluse

  19. looks great!
    i like it.

  20. wow this looks insane bro!! love what youve done so far keep up with informing us!! love it

  21. I used to play D+D in high school but I lost my taste for it because the DM was a dick and kept killing my characters off.

  22. I like the way you designed your blog :)

  23. Have you ever seen the Dungeon Masters? It's a documentary about 3 DM/GMs interesting. But they were oh so nerdy.

  24. I'd do all of this, but then I remembered that I like vaginas

  25. very interesting cant wait for more :D

  26. i enjoy reading ur strategies.

  27. I wish every game I played had a DM that compassionate

  28. I find that much more dialogue goes on in these games for me but that is half the fun.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Too many DMs get on a power trip and enjoy killing PCs. Good on you, mate. :)
